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Rebuilding the Torque:
Building a paintball gun is hard, and we know. This is a new roadmap to building markers. It starts by building the products to build a gun, establishing a working relationship with your suppliers and dialing in the small parts.
Part 1: The PAT
Every marker needs a Polished Aluminum Tube (PAT), so lets build a barrel that what we like. Lightweight, Full Control Bore, and in a few different sizes. Maybe we can even make it a kit, get a case for it, and sell it at a reasonable price. Click on the image for the sales page
Part 2: Brains:
We partnered with Sci-Fi paintball to put the FIRST Bluetooth adjusted production paintball gun on the market. It was a smart decision.
What is next?
Keep watching this space, we have a lot of product we will bring to market.
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